An inspiring visit!
A hectic summer and autumn season has given way to sub-zero temperatures and more sporadic visits from around the world here at Lunde Turiststasjon .
The snow has come closer and it will soon be time for summit trips to the majestic mountains that surround our village. The most enthusiastic have already tested the conditions and we are constantly receiving reports that there are good conditions if you get high enough.
This is what we have become accustomed to in recent years, peak hikes in Telemark and randonnè have almost exploded, and social media is flooded with pictures and films from such hikes.
Lars and Maria in front Lunde Turiststasjon Photo: Atle Lunde
But there are also other possibilities in the Nordic winter!
Last weekend we had the pleasure of being visited by a couple from Sweden, Lars Petterson and Maria Lindquist. They had been here a couple of years ago, and it gave us a new taste for a trip.
It is frozen water and sea that tempts, of course they have this in Sweden too, but the combination with the landscape in Norway makes the experience so special, they can tell.
Lars in a nice drift in front of Austerdalsbreen Photo: Lars/ Marie
We quickly realized that this is something they know how to do, and have a lot of experience with. Traveling on frozen waters, and often fairly freshly made ice, requires a lot of knowledge and planning. There is no doubt that they have this, and they use their free time to travel around skating when the conditions are good. Films from the great trips are posted on YouTube, so that people can see how fantastic a completely ordinary day can be, as long as you have a clean ice and freshly sharpened skates!
It is very inspiring to meet people like this who see possibilities in things we take for granted, and that we don't think could be of such great interest.
Ice floes on Sandalsvatnet in Breim Photo: Lars/Marie
They are members of Gothenburg's Långfärdsskridskoklubb and Friluftsfrämjandet in Strömstad/Tanum, where they, together with other skating enthusiasts, find the skates as soon as the ice is safe. For several years they have traveled around Norway and sought out lakes such as Lake Styggevatnet in Jostedalen, Lustrafjorden, Fleire vatn in Jotunheimen, Hardangervidda, Sandalen in Breim and many more.
Interest in ice skating is increasing in Norway, says Maria, more clubs and associations are being formed and they are joining Skridskonätet, a Swedish idealistic association where the affiliated associations share information about ice conditions. This organization organizes an ice congress every other year and in 2019 it will be held in Norway, more specifically Sørmarka south of Oslo.
In the summer they travel around and paddle on these lakes and make plans for how they will go skating when the ice conditions are good. Then they often use the internet and examine satellite images so that they can see when the ice has set. Safety is very important, they say, there are always at least 2 in a team, spiked poles are used to check the ice regularly, ice spikes and throwing lines are of course equipment, as well as dry clothes in case of an accident.
Sea ice in Bygstad, Kvamshesten is reflected in the ice. Photo: Lars/Marie
They came from the bare ice on Hafslovatnet to us. On Saturday, the sea ice in Bygstad was tested and on Sunday, Storevatnet in Gjengedalen. Judging by the films and pictures, the conditions were impeccable in all places.
One of their dreams is to go on the Kjøsnesfjord, and we hope they will experience it. We will definitely let Sweden know as soon as the conditions are good. Whether it will be this year, next year or longer, we don't know, but we have sharpened our skates and are ready when the day comes!
At Storevatnet in Hyen they found their dream relationship. Photo: Lars/Marie